“Mackinac,” Ploughshares, Winter 2024-25, Vol. 50, No. 4 forthcoming
“Abstract,” New England Review, Vol. 43, No. 1, print
“Observation on Discovery,” New England Review, Vol. 43, No. 1, print and online
“Writing Prompt,” The Iowa Review, Spring 2021, Vol. 51, Issue 1, print
“Something Distinctly Human,” Narrative, online; appeared originally as Narrative’s Poem of the Week
“Observations on Connectivity,” Narrative, online
“ZooBooks,” Ploughshares, Winter 2020-21, Vol. 46, No. 4, print
“Behind the Byline,” an interview with Liza Watkins, New England Review, online
“Conversion’s Balance: on Jennifer Grotz’s Still Falling,” Michigan Quarterly Review, online
“on Come Hither-Honeycomb, poems by Erin Belieu,” On the Seawall, online
“Inseparable Connections: A Conversation with Jane Hirshfield on her new collection Ledger,” Interview, Michigan Quarterly Review: Mixtape, online
“Bending Lyric into Song: The Olive Trees’ Jazz and Other Poems by Samira Negrouche, translated by Marilyn Hacker,” Michigan Quarterly Review, online
“What does Eternity Look Like: A Review of Barot’s The Galleons,” Michigan Quarterly Review, online
Guest Edited Issues
“Materials and Methods,” Michigan Quarterly Review: Mixtape, Winter 2020, online