
  • “Mackinac,” Ploughshares, Winter 2024-25, Vol. 50, No. 4 forthcoming

  • “Abstract,” New England Review, Vol. 43, No. 1, print

  • “Observation on Discovery,” New England Review, Vol. 43, No. 1, print and online

  • “Writing Prompt,” The Iowa Review, Spring 2021, Vol. 51, Issue 1, print

  • “Something Distinctly Human,” Narrative, online; appeared originally as Narrative’s Poem of the Week

  • “Observations on Connectivity,” Narrative, online

  • “ZooBooks,” Ploughshares, Winter 2020-21, Vol. 46, No. 4, print


  • “Behind the Byline,” an interview with Liza Watkins, New England Review, online


  • “Conversion’s Balance: on Jennifer Grotz’s Still Falling,” Michigan Quarterly Review, online

  • “on Come Hither-Honeycomb, poems by Erin Belieu,” On the Seawall, online

  • “Inseparable Connections: A Conversation with Jane Hirshfield on her new collection Ledger,” Interview, Michigan Quarterly Review: Mixtape, online

  • “Bending Lyric into Song: The Olive Trees’ Jazz and Other Poems by Samira Negrouche, translated by Marilyn Hacker,” Michigan Quarterly Review, online

  • “What does Eternity Look Like: A Review of Barot’s The Galleons,” Michigan Quarterly Review, online

Guest Edited Issues

  • “Materials and Methods,” Michigan Quarterly Review: Mixtape, Winter 2020, online